Meet Georgie O’Keeffe of Full Tilt Asbestos and chat about the local building & renovation industry on the Mornington Peninsula…
Q1… Who’s the boss?
Georgie: Marty’s the boss that works on site. I’m the boss that works in the office.
Q2…What’s the worst day on the job?
Georgie: When employees don’t turn up for work because they are unwell and we have a job booked in. Especially with asbestos, we have to notify the job 5 days in advance. It definitely throws a spanner in the works. But we work around it.
Q3… What’s the best day on the job?
Georgie: When a job goes easy and it’s done quick. So we can move on to the next one. We like the smaller jobs.
Q4… What have you learnt the hard way?
Georgie: Early on we learned to price the job properly. Experience makes you price up jobs more accurately.
Q5… What don’t we know that we should know?
Georgie: If it’s built before 1990… always assume it’s asbestos. If you’re not sure give us a call.
Tara Vandeligt: Thank you Georgie. We look forward to seeing more of Fulltilt Asbestos Removal in the Building Dreams Facebook group!