Our SMOKO interviews continue out of lockdown… today we had Jarrad King of JR King_Homes who shared his home building insights…
Question 1… Who’s the boss?
Jarrad: My partner Abbie!
Question 2… What’s the worst day on the job?
Jarrad: Digging stump holes… when it’s raining. Defiantly a bad day doing that!
Question 3… What’s the best day on the job?
Jarrad: When the weather is nice, and we have and ocean view from site. Fridays are also nice!
Question 4… What have you learnt along the way?
Jarrad: You want to be selective with the subcontracts, staff and people you surround yourself with. A good team is so essential to a good build.
Question 5… What do you wish everyone could know?
Jarrad: Do some of your own detailed costing before you start out on a building project. This will help you better understand the accuracy quotes you will later receive from builders.
Tara Vandeligt: Thank you Jarrad King for sharing your local industry insights. We look forward to seeing more of you in the Building Dreams Facebook group!